Philosophical Thoughts on Life

An ever growing collection of personal thoughts and essays

13 min readSep 12, 2022
These thoughts are presented without order or context. They are being continuously added to and growing. This post is more of a philosophical journal that will be added to periodically.

Take heed to the orchestral symphonies of the natural world ever so present in our daily lives. The vibrations of which are composed of everything from physical matter to the very thoughts which we think. The vibrational waves surging within, crashing and ricocheting off of each crevice and peak around all objects surrounding. The rushing river of sensations flowing within, the eternal dance of the countless energies within even the smallest of particles and atoms of the body and every material and non material element before us. A continuously changing nature felt within all parts of existence.

Just as the earth dances around the sun in its rhythmic marathon of celestial cousins. So too does the tree take notice of the shortening in daylight and variance in temperatures. Even the chlorophyll within the cells break down and allow their green exterior presence to transform to the brilliant fall splendor of orange. Everything in perfect coordination. Who so tells the trees to follow suit and gives prudences to the leafs? Or to the bear, so that he may go hibernate for the winter? Or to the birds so they might migrate? From such complexity emerges such organized beauty, an everlasting fractal or cycle of life. Yet some still grapple with the idea of having no conductor orchestrating the melody. But as we know, the mediocre have a very narrow perception of reality, and in turn, their lives. They see things as they are, not as they could be. Image the heavens no more splendor than that of which you image. How the atheist would regret such pessimistic dull way of thinking.

The forgoing generations have held god so dear. Yet today many choose to turn a blind eye to the ancient mythologies that are so foundational to our individual, ancestral, and societal molding. Ideas so formative they have lasted since the genesis of mans free will. Why should we not also enjoy an original relation to the universe. If religion is not to be passed down through tradition then it is up to the individual to seek forth understanding for themself. How disheartening is the man who dismisses god, in so doing, douses the flame of their souls existence. There is no possibility of anything in the universe; a sun, a star, or you and I existing separately. It is this unifying force that is the infinite love of god. Whose powers are attainable through ones thinking and spiritual journey of awakening. The mind is boundless. But one’s thought can hold you back with powerful restraint. Just as it may set you free. Unless otherwise limited by one’s own paradigm, like the python wrapped tightly around your thought, restricting and crushing your breath of life. One must not forget that god is in all things. Not limited to the elite, famous, or rich. But in all people. In you. Heaven is not some far off place in the distant afterlife, heaven is mindset. Just as some choose to create their own hell here on earth. Your must learn to live within yourself and depend upon yourself.

Many have forgotten what a far horizon does for the soul. So encompassed with the daily minutiae, many seem to have chosen to try and find substance from the light of their screens over the light of the sun or stars. Overlooking the single most energy source for all life whose its rays touch. The mass of people, whose feet only know the artificial concrete beneath them and hard lines build around them. Miss out on the geometric beauty first bestowed upon us. Who’ve never climbed the highest peak striped of all distractions, to try and get a glimpse from what the view above must be like from the heavens. Whose diet’s ingredients can’t be pronounced let alone sourced from its origin. Whose blood is coursing with chemicals to the likes not imaginable to men a century ago. Whose every tempting pleasure is but a touch or click away. Whose conformity and comforts has eroded their character and will. Who become the slaves to their decisions rather than the mast of their free will.

If the purpose of your existence is simply to live in pleasure, then go onward. Mind me no business. For the glutton of endless pleasure poisons the mind and softens the light of soul. Melting on a hot summer day, your existence seems to be washing away with each easy road taken and each obstacle forgone. For failure is the best teacher and pain the best mentor. Suffering the ultimate sacrifice to reach the kingdom of almighty. With the absence of these, lives beauty is often ignored, overlooked, or taken for granted. For it is the duality of each polar realm to be experienced, which helps give us the perspective needed to see and feel life to the fullest. One day in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.

Has technology blinded us to the natural teachings of life? Has it so softened us as a society, to the point of the smallest inconvenience so causes an uproar. It is a double edge sword? As with anything in life balance and moderation is needed. In a world where anything you want you can have in a blink of an eye, man faces the need for self discipline more than ever. Why should one leave the comfort and warmth of their bed? For the moon is still attending to the field and the sun still shines a far to the east. Invigorated with life, the impassioned arrises to concur the day not simply endeavor through it. Forgo the central nervous system stimulant.

As with many things simplicity if often most beautiful and easy to understand. Start your day with the replenishment of the molecule that so fills 60% of your physical existence. The sweet nectar of fruit whose vitality run rampent on the empty stomach as to help fulfill the nourishment of your cells. I’ve often discovered the mind to be at its clearest just before dawn. As your neighbors dream of what may be to come, you are up grasping for what’s yours to have. Dreams illuminate the night and send messages of hope and new beginnings. The subconscious mind telling your conscious the secrets hidden within. But it is not the dreamer who sits high upon the mountain peak, but instead the go-getter who chased their dream down and sowed it to fruition.

We are given but one vessel to peruse this short life with. Take pride in the maintenance of this vehicle, for its the most expensive and invaluable one you will ever be bless with. All the riches in the world becomes meaningless without your health to enjoy it with. Be as the mathematician who so meticulously dials the inputs to obtain the envisioned output. Think of your food as the proactive medicine and avoid all reactive measures. You can not live ignorant to the nutritional science and anatomy which gives power to our very mechanics. Simple whole ingredients should be maintained while those whose origins cannot be named, overlooked. In a world where convenience trumps logic, aim to be slow and methodical in your daily endeavors. Once you make a decision in your mind fully, the universe then conspires to make it happen.

We look outward for validation, ignorant of the internal, searching for sanctity. As if you would hand over your heart on a silver plater for the beast to devour. You give power to those who think all but a few second of your existence. Those whose names you distantly recognize, but whose spirits you know not. Those strangers existing in the virtual metaplex of the crowd. Whose credence you give so much value to, but in return their energy source slim to none. If not leaching your energy. The expenditure of life is limited, do not spend it feeding into a false sense of validation. Instead harness this energy and cast it inward upon your own mind and heart. Dance instead to the beat of your own drum. And slowly watch as those around you start to give notice to your vibrational beauty permeating through space and time. A presence like the collision oxygen atoms producing colorful auroras in the night sky. Mastery of self leads to loving ones self. Only then can you aim to help those around you. What higher grace is there than realizing your own true light within. For it is not our darkness that so terrifies us, but rather the lightness. For we know the limitless bounds of which only our imagination can lead us.

In a world fueled by outward validation, those who are able to turn inward are able to separate themselves from the crowd. Become the black sheep. Validated narcissism spreads like respiratory virus through one false breath to another. But whose to blame when society so eagerly capitalizes on the exploits of our human desires? It is hard to free fools from chains they so dearly revere. Like beasts held in a cage, our reality becomes skewed to the demoralization of wealth. When we spend our days and lives with our faces buried in screens, living through the lens of other peoples experiences, we’ve let life become a spectator sport rather than an experiential one.

What would you do for $100,000? To many, their answers would leave you pondering how the compass of morality of a nation became so out of balance. One might wonder if the magnetic pulls of gravity can simply be ignored. Or if at all at once like passing through a black hole we will be snapped back to reality by the crushing pull of nature. Choose to earn with your mind rather than your body. The aesthetic beauty of your body, will always seem shallow in comparison to the depth of beauty of your mind. We forget that money does not equate to happiness. For happiness is simply a state of mind, not some physical object to hold. Money simply shines through and mirrors the character of beholder. The best things in life are never purchased. I’ve seen a poor man with no assets to his name happy and smiling while a rich man used his piles of money for a stepping stool of that which to jump from with a noose around his neck. Never let money shroud your judgement or integrity. If all you seek is money with the assurance that as soon as you get rich you will be happy, you will be sadly mistaken. When money is placed above values your soul becomes hollow.

The black sheep turns its back to the crowd, too mesmerized by his own inner truth to take care of what all the others think of him. For in the end their thoughts upon him are meaningless and his destination is his to be reached alone. There is but little virtue in the action of masses of men. More rare is it to see a man question his traditions and instead seek for himself. So eager are most to willfully follow the teachings of another who so laboriously fought and battled to obtain such truth which they take as their own. dismissing all that experience which was undergone for such genesis of thought to occur in the first place. As if personal revelation is only available to some upper elite class, so hand picked by god himself. This would be to dismiss that god is within all men who can uncover his wisdom. For god would not condone the egocentric prophet who claims him and him alone to be the intermediary messenger of the divine and of our existence.

If men do not discover their god, they create them. If you fully embody just one religion, you loose the value add of all other spiritual texts. Bias towards only your one “true” text. You fall ignorant to all other sources of wisdom accumulated over the past. It’s not easy thinking for yourself and uncovering truths within yourself. Liberty and responsibility is often a heavy burden on a man. It involves the necessity for perpetual choice which is the kind of labor men have always dreaded. As the mass so willfully depends upon the suckling teet of society for substance and guidance. Those who are able to turn to self reliance will be rewarded handsomely. There’s never been a time period so rich with information yet poor with ideals. For the consciousness of government has far been lost and their guidance can no longer be acknowledged or trusted. That government is best which governs least. For the man who thinks not for himself is no man at all, but a slave to the system. For whoevers government so tells them that they can not govern themselves, for whose endeavor too difficult to manage. Is being lied to and manipulated.

Every night the master artist paints a thousand sunsets, for those tasteful enough to take pleasure. Only through much searching and then refining is gold brought about. Same as with diamonds who only form by process of high pressure. Same too is man who must search within himself and mine his soul, refine his thoughts, and add pressure to build his character. One must fully embrace the duty of being the sculpture of his life. Only through understanding and knowledge can one sculpt the power and wisdom of the master artist. If man’s mind is likened to that of a garden cultivate and prune your thoughts and pick forth the weeds.

If we truly understood how powerful our thoughts are, we would never think a negative thought again. The visible world is sustained by the invisible forces that move it. He who cherishes a beautiful vision, a lofty ideal in his heart, will one day realize it. You must align your thought with your purpose. The secret of life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. Your mind will take shape of what you frequently hold in thought. Become the painter who chooses the color of his own canvas of thoughts. I don’t believe that people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive.

When the family declines, ancient traditions are destroyed. With them are lost the spiritual foundations of life. Family losses sense of unity and so the woman become corrupt. With the corruption of woman, society is plunged into chaos. Disrupting the spiritual evolution process. I don’t know why people are so keen to put the details of their life in the public. They forget that invisibility is a super power. Don’t simply become the molded statue of another’s thoughts and influences. Learn to fail on your own. Learn to shine on your own. The scars of failure will show you have skin in the game. The shine of your success will be brighter knowing you were able to do it on your own.

I feel bad for those who have always felt the need to follow the rules set before them by authority. If the rules are set by another, which you so carefully follow. How much of your life is really of your own choosing? You work to have money to let you live the free life, yet you trade majority of your time being told what to wear, where to be, what to do, how to think, and when to be there. For a sliver of your time to be “free” at last.. If god as seen as the creator so synonymous with change and progression. Then growth of the mind must be held in respects of celestial workings. The development of knowledge to be carried far beyond the realms of this life alone. You are better off focusing on your micro habits rather than focusing on your macro goals. Don’t forget that the macro goal is simply the compilation of thousands of micro habits over time.

I got rid of my graphic tees. No more logos, messages, or images portrayed beyond and before myself. Only now colors of simplicity with only natural tones. For he is freest who thinks not much about what he might wear for the spectacle of others. Or not told what to wear for his labors. Nor waists away his earnings on materials whose worth resides more in show than that of utility. For how fancy is the man whose wardrobe blooms annually with the seasons of the latest most eye rendering gear. Do we not look back at past generations with amuse of their trendy attire? As I reminisce in walked the white painted city of the great ancient Mediterranean island, does my thoughts consume me with my wardrobe of the occasion and not the vast historic beauty which so resigns within my minds eye as the work of the great creator with the circumvention of artists and poets of old to new. Whose touch so elegantly bestows upon the cliff side. Why so then do we let the consumerism take the reins? Haven’t thought much often before of the passerby’s thoughts other than when it strokes the ego within. No need to go off looking like a bum. Give me a shirt for the each day simplistic and clean and let me be satisfied.

Why do we own so many things when we they lay a still as a pollinator of dust. What is their purpose? Are we so desperate to convey our own worth, our own value to others. That we use objects to tell people just how valuable we are. As though before the celestial gates of the panel of judges. You are the sole appraiser of your worth. Give not that measure of value of your own soul to the illusion of others grandor. If you are not careful the things which you come to own will soon one day end up owning you. For it’s a simple man’s barter. You are better off forgoing the multitude of delights. For minimalism is just the beginning. A relic in its own sense. a powerful tool to be applied to all different aspects of your life. Built around the idea that there’s nothing you are lacking. You have everything you could ever need before you. The nirvana of happiness can only then be reached by wanting what you already have. By knowing what’s truly essential to yourself and the natural facts of life. A life of abundance does not translate to a life full of material goods.

Simplify the mind. Learn to find stillness within. Don’t get caught up trying to wash today’s dishes, yesterday’s dishes and dishes that aren’t even dirty yet. The desire to discard and the desire to posses are flip sides of the same coin. the more things you have, the more you accumulate. You’ll never be satisfied when trapped in this cycle; it will only make you want more and more. He who is happiest already has everything of which he desires. Take to nature and you will quickly be reminded it doesn’t take much to be happy.

They muddy the waters so that we might not know the True Depth. Authoritarian controls have shape shifted before us whose colors like that of a camilion can not ever be trusted. Puppets from whose strings have been exposed, showing their true controller. Yet the masses are blinded by the propaganda of fear seeming thru every crack of society. Fear makes the sheep thankful for their master. Whose burdensome toll so diverted? if not but an illusion. It’s not the self soviergn who are so easily controlled. That’s why this doctorine is so heavily exspelled.

Whose minds are so feathered by chemical romance. From one waking moment to the next dependent on a chemical reaction so




The mediocre have a very narrow perception of reality, and in turn, their lives. They see things as they are, not how they can be. Visualize/create your life.